Map of Ogunquit & Bunny Clark Location
Revised April 30, 2019

Location: 70 Perkins Cove Road, Ogunquit, Maine 03907
Mailing Address: Bunny Clark Deep Sea Fishing, P.O. Box 837, Ogunquit, Maine 03907
Directions from 95 South:
After you cross the state line into Maine, take a right on exit 7 (The York/Ogunquit Exit, Old Exit 4). You will come to a yield sign where you take another right that will put you in front of a traffic light on U. S. Route 1. Take a left on Route 1 and go almost exactly 7 miles where you will take a right on Bourne Lane in Ogunquit. (Note: 0.2 miles before you get to Bourne Lane, you will see the Ogunquit Playhouse on your right hand side. Pass the Playhouse and Route 1 dips down a hill. At the bottom of that hill, you will see the entrance to Bourne Lane with the Meadowmere Motel and Jonathan's Restaurant on your left as you take this right.) Continue on Bourne Lane until you get to the stop sign (approx. 0.2 miles) at the end of the Lane. Take a right there (Shore Road) and go approximately 0.2 miles until you come to the Perkins Cove sign appearing in a small triangular plot. Bear left at this plot and you will be in Perkins Cove.
Directions from 95 North:
Get off on exit 19 (The Wells/Ogunquit Exit, Old Exit 2). After going by the toll booths, take a left on Route 109 at the lights. Follow Route 109 for a little less than 0.5 miles where you take a right on Chapel Street. Follow Chapel Street for 1.2 miles until it ends a stop sign on Route 1. Take a right on Route 1 and follow this for 4.3 miles until you get to the center of Ogunquit. Take a left on Shore Road (between the Front Porch (on the left) and Bessie's (on the right). Follow Shore Road for 0.9 miles, at which point you should be next to the Perkins Cove sign. Bear left at the fork (Perkins Cove sign) and this leads you into Perkins Cove.
The Bunny Clark departs from Barnacle Billy's dock in the morning and departs from the Town dock (about 75 yards due east) for the afternoon half day trip. Before or after a fishing trip, anglers have the unique opportunity of dining on sumptuous sea food & lobster in a casual atmosphere at Barnacle Billy's or Barnacle Billy's etc. restaurants, enjoying the scenic coast via the (mile long) marginal way walk or having a refreshing swim from Ogunquit's beautiful white sand beaches.

Photo of the Bunny Clark at Barnacle Billy's Dock Location

The photo above (taken May 12, 1998) shows the Bunny Clark tied stern to the float off Barnacle Billy's dock. The Bunny Clark is the light grey boat with the light green trim and dark green side curtains. This area in Perkins Cove is where the Bunny Clark is tied for the night and where she is located for boarding before the full day trips and marathon trips in the morning. The town dock is located no more than 75 yards ahead of where the boat is shown in this photograph. The town dock is the boarding location for the Bunny Clark departing on the half day trips at 4:00 PM. Notice the fishing area on the bow of the Bunny Clark and the pulpit for fishing in the very front. On nice to moderate days, we fish 8 anglers in the bow. This gives us more room for the other 22 anglers in the cockpit after the side curtains are put up. The bow is considered the best place for jig fishing while the cockpit area has full seating and is considered best for bait fishing.

Detailed Directions Right from Your Address
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The address to use in a GPS: 70 Perkins Cove Road, Ogunquit, Maine 03907.