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Reservations, Rules & Information
2025 Fishing Season
Edited January 29, 2025

This picture was taken on the October 21, 2005 marathon trip. It shows (from left to right) Tim Williams (CT), Captain Ian Keniston and Jon Tesnakis (NY) holding Jon's 217.5 pound Maine state trophy porbeagle (mackerel) shark. It was the last fish landed on the trip that day and one of only three porbeagle sharks we saw during that season. The largest porbeagle shark that has ever been landed on the Bunny Clark is one that weighed 304 pounds. It was caught by Dick Slocum (NJ) on May 17, 2015, on an Extreme Day trip with Captain Ian Keniston. Although we do not target these fish, it is very special to catch one and almost better as table fare, or so Dave Miller (MA) would say.
Tim Tower photo & text.
Note: Reservations for the 2025 season commence on Thursday, February 1, 2025 at 6:00 AM local time or 0600 EST. Also, due to the passing of Captain Ian Keniston, we will be running a season with eighty-five potential trips. At the time of this writing, each week will have a different trip schedule with no trips running during the weekend. This could change on certain weeks.
Reservations are suggested to insure a place on the Bunny Clark. Individuals desiring to secure a specific fishing spot or seat on the boat will be required to:
- Show up in person.
- Write their name on a position list (clip board) after the previous trip disembarks.
- Preference is given to an individual who has already paid for the previous trip.
Anglers are not required to stay near the vessel in order to maintain a secured fishing position. Preference for a spot will be given to an individual who was on the previous fishing trip. Otherwise, anglers who would like to secure a specific position at the rail can sign up for that position after the boat returns from the trip just before the trip you are signing up for. There is a sign-up clipboard with fishing positions aboard the Bunny Clark used to place your name next to the position you would prefer. This sheet on the clipboard is signed on a first come/first served basis. You cannot sign for someone who is not in Perkins Cove at the time you sign for your own position - even though that person may be in your fishing party. Reservations may be made or information obtained by calling: 207-646-2214 or by writing Capt. Tim Tower, P.O. Box 837, Ogunquit, Maine 03907-0837. E-mail may be used for information but, at this time, it is not suggested for reservations. Our e-mail address is bunnyclarkdsf@gmail.com (Tim's email address is: sowhake@gmail.com). Reservation hours: 8:00 A.M. till 8:00 P.M. local time (there could be someone there to answer the phone between 5 and 9 AM but we are in and out of range at that time of the day).
Persons making reservations are responsible for the number of persons they reserve the boat for unless they call 48 hours ahead of scheduled departure time for a day or half day trip, 30 days in advance for a chartered fishing trip and 30 days before a marathon trip. Money will not be refunded if there is a cancellation after the required grace period. There is no refund with ultra-marathon reservations. Deposits associated with any trip will be returned on a pro-rated basis if we can fill the canceled spaces ourselves before the departure time. Full deposits will be refunded for any trip in the event that we have to cancel.
Tim Tower, alone, reserves the right to add a single angler to any trip that is otherwise full according to the minimum passenger limit as advertised.
During rough weather, there is no refund if the boat returns back to the dock early following a unanimous vote by the passengers to terminate the trip. Refunds will be issued on a pro-rated basis (after fuel costs) if the captain terminates the trip and the boat returns back to the dock early.
Persons with reservations on the full day trip must be on the boat ready to go by 6:30 A.M. or on the half day trip, at the dock by 3:15 P.M. For all other trips, angler arrival time should precede the scheduled fishing trip by one hour. Otherwise, tickets may be sold to someone else.
To guarantee a charter or to reserve spaces on the party boat, a full payment/deposit is required. The reservation will be canceled if the deposit is not received within one week after booking.
All fishing poles, bait and jigs are included in the cost of the fishing trip. However, each person is responsible for the cost of lost gear except sinkers and hooks. Photos can be taken of large fish, at no charge, if you don't have a camera.
Hard liquor is prohibited. Beer is limited to 3 bottles or less a person. A beer cannot be opened until 3 miles off shore and there is no drinking one half hour before arrival at the dock. We do not tolerate over-drinking. If the captain believes an individual has had too much to drink, the captain has the right to curtail alcohol consumption by that individual. The captain may terminate the fishing trip (or charter) at any time, without refund, if one or more individuals become intoxicated or uncontrollable. In addition, no individual(s) will be allowed aboard before a trip if found intoxicated & will forfeit the price of the trip or charter if paid in advance.
GPS units are prohibited. If you have forgotten about this rule, the captain can hold this equipment for you during the trip and give it back when the boat returns after the trip.
We suggest extra clothing and a lunch be brought along for your own comfort. In case of bad weather, you may want to bring rain gear and boots. The boat is of the open Maine lobster boat design. It is open to the elements and has side curtains to eliminate spray while traveling.
A mate will be aboard to help you take care of your fish (gaff, clean & fillet) if you desire. Plastic bags are provided for the fillets at no charge. Tips are accepted. Generally, a full freezer bag of fillets is worth $10.00. Our plastic bags hold 12 to 14 pounds of fillets each. The tip amount used to be less before the catch was predominantly haddock fillets. It takes many more haddock fillets to fill one of our fillet bags. Also, this is a rule of thumb. It is, in fact, a tip. Obviously, the size of the tip is also a refection on how the deck hand treated the angler on the trip as well. Examples of better treatment include rigging your rod, adding leader material to your reel, the attention paid to the patron, skinning the fillets (on busy days, deck hands don't always have time to do this) and the extra things you might not expect on other deep sea fishing boats.
If an angler hooks a large fish (i.e. bluefin tuna, halibut etc.), the captain has the right to terminate all other fishing until said fish is landed or lost. Anglers will not be compensated for the amount of fishing time lost during the fight.

Marathon Trips:
1. Persons must be at the dock 1 hour before departure.
2. Very large and/or empty coolers are to be left ashore.
3. Persons are required to reconfirm between 11 AM and 6 PM (at the latest) the day before departure to determine the possibility of cancellation for bad weather and actual departure time. Depature time may vary 2 hours from schedule.
4. Full rain gear and waterproof boots are required on April, May, October & November trips. Full rain gear is always suggested.
Bunny Clark Special Features:
Trophy fish are recognized and awards are received by the lucky angler from the state through the Maine Department of Marine Resources.
Every angler is provided with IGFA class equipment in case he or she lands a world record. Forty-two world record fish and thirty-one Maine state record fish have been landed by Bunny Clark anglers since 1984. See World Records below.
You are encouraged to tag and release (or just release) your fish if you do not intend to bring them home with you. We have had many interesting tag returns over the years and it has helped in the study of growth, fish migration and behavioral patterns. We fund our own program and are not reimbursed from government or private institutions.
As conservationists, we endorse a policy of returning unwanted species (dogfish, etc.) to the ocean unharmed.
Digital images of trophy fish will be taken and sent to your email or electronic device at no charge if you have forgotten your camera or phone.
We offer an optional "pool" for the largest fish landed during a trip. Skates (except barndoor skates), blue sharks, sculpins, sea ravens, mackerel and dogfish are excluded from the competition. Included are wolffish, mako sharks, torpedo rays, cod, pollock, haddock, halibut, redfish, cusk, whiting, porbeagle sharks, tuna and hake. There is one exception to the rule. There can be some exceptions but only when there is only one or two fish caught for the entire trip. During such time, captain's rules pertain to the unusual situation.
Bunny Clark T-shirts, caps and hooded sweat shirts are available on request.
We ask that you call our attention to anything you don't understand so that we can help you have an enjoyable and happy fishing trip.
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