Maine State Trophies & Special Fish
The four pictures above were taken from two marathon trips. The top left shot is a picture of Tim Reidsema (NH) holding his 59 pound Maine state trophy cod. This is the largest cod of the Bunny Clark fishing season so far, Tim's largest cod and our first whale cod of the fishing season. The shot on the right is a picture of Lee Dykas (MA) holding the best double keeper catch of the Bunny Clark fishing season so far. Lee caught these two fish on the same line at the same time. These fish are both cod (obviously), one being 12 pounds and the other of 22 pounds. He was fishing on the marathon trip of May 17, 2006. The shot on the lower left is a picture of Jason Ridolfi (NY) holding his Maine state trophy cod of 28 pounds in the rain during the marathon trip of May 19, 2006. This is Jason's largest ever cod and the second largest cod of the trip. Interestingly enough, if Jason caught two of these fish, the combined weight wouldn't be enough to beat the weight of Tim's 59 pounder caught earlier in the trip. The shot on the lower right was taken on May 17, 2006. It shows Dennis Pietro (MA) holding his 27 pound Maine state trophy cod. This fish was the fourth largest fish of the trip and not the largest cod that Dennis has ever caught with me. Two different trips of good sized new cod. Will it continue? Tune in later to find out!
Photos & Text by Captain Tim Tower unless otherwise noted.