Bunny Clark Deep Sea Fishing


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Deep Sea Fishing Maine

The F/V Bunny Clark (edited May 16, 2014)
Map, Directions & Location (Edited Feb 1, 2007)
Captains & Crew (Revised Feb 1, 2007)
2025 Season Reservations, Rules & Info. (Revised Jan 29, 2025)
2025 Season Schedule & Rates (Revised Jan 27, 2025)
Fishing Update (edited on Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 0600 EST)
Bunny Clark Guestletters (New Guestletter added Jan. 29, 2025)
Bunny Clark World & State Records List (Edited January 20, 2019)
"Tim Reidsema, Lee Dykas, Jason Ridolfi & Dennis Pietro" Photo Gallery (May 20, 2006)
Short Bunny Clark Fishing Videos(New Mar 6, 1997)
2010 Moon Phases (Revised Jan 30, 2010)
The New England Herring Problem (Who is taking our baitfish?)
Federal, State & Private Fishery Regs & Links
Favorite Bunny Clark Weather Links
Current Month Tide Chart for Ogunquit
2007 Accommodations & Services In Ogunquit Area

The digital image on the right is a shot of Gloria Gennari (MA) holding her 30 pound Maine state trophy hake. I believe that this was the largest fish that she caught deep sea fishing in 2024. But I'm not one hundred percent on that statement. She has fished many years with me on the Bunny Clark . But long before the Bunny Clark , when I was running the Mary E., I fished along side her when she was working on another vessel, both of us handlining and rod & reel fishing for giant bluefin tuna. I didn't know her then but both of us slid by each other while we were fighting giants on many occasions without knowing we would meet years later. Those were the days, from 1971 to 1975. After 1975, regulations set tuna landings at one per boat per day. I decided that I couldn't go commercial tuna fishing with those restrictions so I gave it up. Until 1982, I took a week off every year to go harpooning. In 1981, I captured Maine state harpoon record with a bluefin that weighed 1145 pounds. One of those weeks we landed fifteen bluefins. The restrictions for harpooners was different after 1975. Still, I long for those days fishing next to Gloria chumming for tuna on the northwest corner of Middlebank (Stellwagon Bank) off Gloucester, Massachusetts. Those were simple, fun, times. Years later, Gloria almost landed a small tuna with me, estimated at around 100 pounds. She would have landed that fish had it not been for an angler up in the bow who still had his line down fishing for groundfish. His Spectra line sawed her line off and the fish was gone. We often catch bluefins while we are fishing for groundfish. This was the case with Gloria's fish; she hooked it while she was trying to catch a pollock. I'm not sure when I first met Gloria. But the times I remember her best, it seems, were when she fished with the Lighthouse Fishing Club out of Pittsfield, Massachusetts. Gloria has always been an excellent fisherman. On those Bunny Clark charters there were times when she caught quite a few steaker cod, big pollock and, of course, hake. The hake she is holding in the picture was caught well offshore. In the early days until 1987, we used to catch most of our hake from six to ten miles offshore. All the biggest hake I ever saw were caught within ten miles of shore. Those were the early days of the Bunny Clark . I didn't know Gloria then. And she didn't discover the Bunny Clark until later. I can remember one trip in the early spring when I decided to take the boat to an area between Gloucester and Cape Cod. We were chasing haddock then. Gloria was with me. She did great but was upset that she came all the way to Maine to go and fish off Gloucester where she had been fishing on other party boats. I'm not sure if it was the same spot, and it probably wasn't. But, in her mind, it was close enough. We have joked about that incident a few times. Still, she is one of the best anglers who has ever stepped foot on my boat. And she has always been in the top ten female anglers in the Bunny Clark's forty-three year history. If there are fish there, she will catch them or she will tell you to move to another spot! Special fish like Gloria's are the kind of fish we like to see on caught on the Bunny Clark .

Captain Tim Tower text & photo - unless otherwise noted

For information and reservations, telephone: 207-646-2214

For information and reservations:

Call: Bunny Clark, Corp. at - 207-646-2214
Write (Mailing Address): Tim Tower, P.O. Box 837F, Ogunquit, Maine 03907-0837
GPS Location to the dock: 70 Perkins Cove Road, Ogunquit, Maine 03907
Email Address (click here): bunnyclarkdsf@gmail.com

Schedule & Rates

Information & Boat Rules

For a Link To Our Favorite Restaurants, Please Click To Visit:
Barnacle Billy's and Barnacle Billy's etc.

Ogunquit, Maine.

Parts of all these Bunny Clark, Corp. web pages and, indeed, most of the innovations, means to ideas and tons of help came from Chamber Works, Inc. All rights reserved. If anybody in the world is interested in the internet, web pages or ideas for computer displays, kiosks and advertising, these are the companies to go with. Bank on it, baby! Best Fishes, Tim Tower.